Is Your Website Working for Your School?
School News Blog > Is Your Website Working for Your School?

The internet is like a living thing – always changing and evolving. Sometimes it’s difficult to step back and see what’s not working when you’ve been looking at your own site for years. You may not realise what information is hard for visitors to find and how users are really interacting with your site. 

Here are some questions you may want to ask yourself: 

  • What should your school website be doing? (What is its primary job? Is it currently accomplishing it?) 
  • Where are visitors going? (Do you know what content is being searched for the most?)

Most schools have two distinct key stakeholders:  

Audience One: New parents and community members who want to know about the local school. They could be looking for general information or considering enrolling their child in the future.

Audience Two: Current parents and community members who want to stay informed about the school. They could be looking for upcoming school events or just trying to alert the staff that their child will be absent that day.

For Audience One, the primary reason of your school’s website is to serve as an online brochure. Your website needs to be able to show visitors from outside your current school community who you are and what you are about.
For this reason, it would be a good idea to introduce your school by sharing your mission/vision/motto, key staff members and curriculum framework. The Ministry of Education requires a school to design their curriculum considering their community context. This introduction is a great platform to outline how your curriculum design specifically responds to ākonga and whānau needs and aspirations, facilitates learning connections and strengthens partnerships with your whānau, hapū, Iwi and community. Visit to learn more about these MoE priorities.

Once you have successfully introduced yourself to your visitors, make sure to then provide the necessary information and contact details so they have the chance to introduce themselves to you. By providing clear steps for visitors to take take to get in touch, you can ease the process of turning this ‘visitor’ into a prospective new student or teacher. With this in mind, can you think of any ways that your current site can assist in the enrolment process or help facilitate career opportunities at your school? 

For Audience Two, the primary reason of your school’s website is to supply useful information (such as schedules, announcements, etc.) and provide a point of connection for your current school community.  
For this reason, it is a good idea to have an entire section dedicated to sharing upcoming events, highlighting important dates, sharing interesting and relevant news, and providing direct links to class blogs/apps/social media. Overall, you want to include anything that might help foster, encourage and strengthen ties to your school community. Again, an MoE imperative!

With a little creativity, you can make your school website truely engaging and help encourage parents and staff to revisit, share, and connect, not only with the school, but with each other. 

Not sure if your website is working for your school? Our team can help.

Get in touch to talk with one of our experts about how to get more from your school website.